October 29


“Hi i’m Geneva.”

“Hi Geneva I’m Jasper.”

“Yeah whatever, I don’t care who you are. Just meet me at Panera Bread at 3:00 so we can finish our stupid solar system project!”

“Um ok.”

3:00 at Panera Bread

“Hi Geneva!!”

“Hello, Lets sit at this table and I will paint earth you paint Neptune.”

“ok…You look very pretty today.”

“Thanks, I like your shoes there nice Jordans.”

“Thanks, Im done with Neptune and I got to go do my other homework see you tomorrow in science.”

“Ok nice seeing you”

Science the next day

“Geneva you look stunning today, your blonde, long  hair blowing in the wind riding away into the magenta pink sunset making your baby blue dress with the orange belt pop out, your eyes they are so deep like pools I fear if I dive in I may never come out.”

“Well Jasper don’t you think you’re going a bit, well overboard here I mean I don’t think she likes you, like at all she’s one of those pesky cheerleaders she won’t be into a nerd like yourself.”

“Tim, You don’t know geneva she’s different shes not like the other pesky cheerleaders this one has all A’s Is not one of the shy ones and she cares about peoples feelings, so I will ask her to Homecoming!”

*Teacher*”Class get with your partner and work on your project.”

“Hi Jasper.”

“Hi Geneva.”

“Did you finish researching Jupiter’s moons?”

“No, But I wanted to ask you something.”

“Ok, What?”

“Jasper can I talk you for a minute in private.” Tim yells

“Can it wait?”


“Fine, What is so important Tim?”

“Don’t ask her out she’s going to reject you!”

“But you don’t get it she won’t ,its like maleficent she doesn’t care about anything but her self if you believe that then you’re wrong she Cared about the staff. People can change theres good in everyone theres always a way to turn things around.”

“Never thought about it like that…still don’t ask her out.”

“Your right.”

Cheerleading practice

“I’m going to ask Jasper out.”

“No Geneva that nerd deserves someone like tiffany.”

“Shut up Stacy”

“don’t talk to him again after the project”

“No don’t tell me what to do”

(Mesnwhile In the parking lot)

“She will reject me I’ll forget about it.”

“Jasper I need to ask you somwthing.”

“Geneva  I need to ask you something too.”

“Me first.”


“Jasper Flabergaster will you go to Homecoming with me.”





Moral: Looks don’t matter It doesnt matter If your a nerd or whatever your awesome just the way you are!



Someone who’s smart and themselves knowone else.
October 13




ooh but you will.


I know what your thinking of watch..

ok go.


what do you put in a toaster


Your thinking of toast but its not toast because you don’t put toast in the toaster you put Bread in the toaster and it turns into toast

you got me but thats not magic

is it?

no its really not

but it is… see you dont believe in magic then the magic goes away


Just say Magicc

Uhh ok Magicc

now click the link


the use of means (such as charms or spells) believed to have supernatural power over natural force


the belief of supernatural activities or something hard

Just believing thats magic!

be yourself don’t change (unless someone bribes you with food) (jk don’t change your perfectly imperfect)

😆 :mrgreen:  😀  🙂  😛  😈  💡

October 12







Some of my favorite quotes is

“Oh but what if I fall?,Oh but darling what if you fly.”

“Stars can’t shine without darkness.”

“I can and will.”

All of these words and quotes remind me of superman.Why because he may not be real but he is an inspiration and he always found the way to save the people.

October 12


Feeling kinda down? Read this to be happier.

Prove them


Whatever your thinking, think BIGGER. Better an ops than a what if. STORMS




F.E.A.R. Has 2 Meanings

Forget everything and run


Face Everything and Rise


Success is not a destination its a journey IF “PLAN A” DID’NT WORK DON’T WORRY THE





Don’t let yesterday take up too much

of today

Prove them


You must live by Faith not fear  YOU are confined only by the walls YOU build YOURSELF
Prove them


Stay positive even when it feels like your lifes falling apart 1 YEAR = 365 OPPERTUNITIES Failure is a bruise not a tattoo
Make it happen.

Shock everyone.

Make your own momentum Perfectly


Prove them


Breathe it’s just a bad day not a bad life Do it with passion or not at all Prove them


Either YOU run the day or the day runs YOU!

Now I want you to show this Post to your teacher or someone if they are feeling down you dont even have to be feeling down. Your challange… CREATE YOUR OWN CHART OF QUOTES TO INSPIRE OTHERS AND PUT THE LINK IN THE COMMENTS AND PUT IN UNDER THE CATIGORIY #INSPIREOTHERSCHALLANGE  ALSO THINK ABOUT WHAT EACH OF THESE QUOTES MEANS TO YOU

October 12


If you scroll down a lot for my post called Echo you’d know that Echo is one of my favorite books. I kinda wish I did battle of the books because one of the books is Echo and I know that book inside and out. I Think the other books look interesting too.

Category: writes | LEAVE A COMMENT
October 8

How can I Change the World?



You Can change the world with


If a kid drops his lunch trey you dont have to help him

But kindness.

You help him even if you dont want to your kindness shows and that kid appreciates it


If someone is having a bad day you dont have to do anything at all

Oh but Kindness.

But you write that person a note or compliment them and you turned their day around



The key to happiness


The key to your worries


The answer to anger

Food? NO,Kindness.


if u dont want to click or copy here it is

Just a simple “hello” could lead to a million things.

October 7

The 100 By Kass Morgan

The 100 By Kass Morgan is a great book! I have to admit I was a little confused.They kept switching characters and they started off with telling what happened and then they went back and told another part of the story it seems more simple then it actually is!*This book is a high school book*Definitely high school level book you can tell by the words.I WOULD RECCOMEND THIS TO GRADE 10,11, or 12.It starts out by telling how 100 of the confined kids will be going to Earth. Earth hasen’t been touched by a human in nearly 200 years! (Well thats because the place flooding with radiation)And it introduces all the characters Clarke, Wells, Glass, and Bellamy they explain how they are sending them to earth to see if they can recolonize back on earth. 100 Kids (UNDER THE AGE OF 18) By themselves sent to earth not by choice to either Live or…well you know die. I would rate this book a 4/5 stars because Like I said a bit confusing. If your one of those people who likes to read every detail this is the book for you! (you have to pay attention to a lot of the details to read the book)